Plagiocephaly or Misshapen Head is a very common problem in infants of the face and skull where by the head is flat or uneven in shape. Primarily the effects of plagiocephaly are cosmetic and there is no evidence it affects an infants development.

When babies are born the suture lines between the plates of the skull are flexible and allow the baby to pass through the birth canal. As infants are commonly in the same position for extended periods of time prior to them developing the ability to move and roll, these plates can shift into an undesirable position, resulting in a less desirable head shape.

It is common for babies to have a misshapen head up until 6 weeks of age due to their position in the uterus, molding during labor and the use of instruments for delivery. With growth and tummy time, most deformities will resolve within the first 6 weeks. Once this window has passed intervention may be required to encourage the skull into a more desirable shape to reduce the risk of irreversible facial and head deformity. It is at this time you may seek professional advice from a pediatric physiotherapist or pediatric osteopath.

Where  deformity continues beyond 4 months of age and where conservative measures have failed or  unlikely to resolve the condition you may be referred to see an Orthotist for helmet therapy. This is a custom device used to mould the skull into a more symmetrical shape. Progress is closely monitored to ensure that it is achieving the desired intention and to minimize the duration of therapy.

At Inmotion orthotics utalise 3D scanning technology to gain the shape of the head to produce one of two helmet types; a 3D printed helmet or a traditional polypropylene helmet. In consultation with yourself,  your treating professional and Orthotist a treatment plan will be formulated to achieve optimal outcomes.